SPEE advocaten & mediation Maastricht

As internationalisation continues to grow, so too does the frequency of transnational disputes or legal issues. Nowhere is this more true, of course, than in the ‘Meuse-Rhine Euregion’, where companies routinely do business in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany. German or Belgian companies planning to do, or already doing business according to Dutch law in the Netherlands can contact us for legal advice and/or litigation, as well as for mediation, or drawing up or assessing domestic or international contracts.


The legal implications of cross-border work are another aspect to consider. More and more employees who work in the Netherlands live in Belgium or Germany, and this frequently gives rise to complications. For instance: in principle, a Dutch employer in the Netherlands may not start proceedings to terminate an employment contract if the employee concerned lives abroad. This is because, in such cases, the Dutch subdistrict court lacks jurisdiction. In light of this, the Dutch employer will be obliged to initiate dismissal proceedings abroad. The foreign judge will then have to rule according to Dutch law as to whether the employee may be dismissed. In such a case, assistance from one of our employment lawyers is invaluable.


The situation that arises when a cross-border worker is ill can also prove tricky. They cannot, for instance, be forced to attend an appointment with the company doctor in the Netherlands, and there are a number of other differences compared with their colleagues who both live and work in the Netherlands. Our employment lawyers know all the ins and outs of these sorts of cases and would be more than happy to help you if you require advice. Our lawyers also speak and write fluent English and German and would be happy to speak to you.


We can, of course, also advise you on other areas and legal matters, whether in the Netherlands or abroad. Companies based outside the Euregion, but which do business in the Netherlands and/or have a branch in the Netherlands, can also seek our assistance.


If you have any questions about, for example, law of persons and family law (including divorce, maintenance, division of property and contact arrangement), our specialised divorce lawyers would be happy to provide further assistance. We are also happy to help you with litigation and advice on inheritances and estates. If you have any questions about partnership and company law, such as concluding a shareholders’ agreement, queries about the liability of directors or shareholders, or in the event of a dispute within a company, our specialist business lawyer would be happy to help. We can also provide assistance with assessing and drawing up agreements as well as general and specific terms and conditions, or if you wish to collect money claims.


If Dutch law applies but litigation ought to take place in Belgium, Germany, or elsewhere, that's not a problem. We are experienced at handling such situations and, when necessary, we work closely with lawyers in Belgium, Germany, or in other countries. Our network extends to a number of other countries, including France. This approach enables us to pool our knowledge and experience so that we can represent your interests as effectively as possible.


SPEE advocaten & mediation is also affiliated with the German-Dutch Chamber of Commerce.