Company disputes: new rules apply since 1 January 2025!
Expertise in Homeowners’ Association Issues: Marion van Acker
Downloading company-sensitive information by an employee: gross misconduct or not?
Uitleg van Huwelijkse Voorwaarden: het Hof Amsterdam gaf recent duidelijke handvatten, waar moet op gelet worden?
Informal appointment of Board of Owners Association, is that allowed?
Christmas party troubles at work: can they lead to (summary) dismissal?
Redeeming a found deposit receipt can have serious consequences for employees
Does a Hiring Freeze Exempt an Employer from the Obligation to Reassign Employees During a Reorganization?
Can a third-party garnishee be ordered to pay the amount for which an attachment was made?
Landlords and compensation due to termination of a rental agreement under the WHOA: a separate class?
Summary dismissal nullified: what does it mean for employers and employees?
Owners association: Is the summoning of all flat owners necessary when amending the division deed?
Changing views on cancellation clauses: what does it mean for consumers and sellers?
Investigation by the Child Protection Council in proceedings about access or parental custody: how does it work and what is the importance of support from a good family law lawyer.
What does 'order' on the order button of online shops really mean according to the Supreme Court?
When does overtime count towards holiday pay?
Does dismissal of director also lead to the end of the management agreement?
Creation of an easement by acquisitive prescription
Judge uses ChatGPT: A welcome development?
Supreme Court clarifies effect of mediation clauses in relation to legal proceedings
Termination of an employment contract after dysfunction and stalled improvement project
VvE's consent required for replacement and installation of skylights?
What is (the purpose of) a bequest and how does one obtain its issue?
Accruing current account debts and imprudent investments: director personally liable
Serious misconduct employer: fair compensation of €100,000 awarded
Rental law changes: the Affordable Rent Act and the Fixed Rent Act
Can an executor appointed by will be dismissed: it remains a complex issue
Is an employer liable for the consequences of an accident of the employee?
Are lost earnings from ‘undeclared’ work eligible for compensation in the case of calculation of damages for reduced ability to work?
File bankruptcy ex-partner to collect unpaid maintenance, or better use mediation?
Do comments about a female colleague's appearance justify summary dismissal?
Breach of contract in sale of penthouse?
Is your property protected from your partner's creditor?
The probationary period in an employment contract, how does it work?
Smoking a joint during a Teams meeting: summary dismissal justified?
Limburg Court Makes Exception to Automatic Beneficial Acceptance for Minor Heirs
Recording conversations: is that even allowed?
Failure to actively reconsider employee's termination request in dormant employment: violation to be a reasonable and fair employer?
General terms and conditions: drafting is good, providing them is better!
VVE: letting rooms to migrant workers violates division regulations
Earning capacity in alimony cases: an important factor in determining child and spousal support
Request for termination rejected: Rotterdam court underlines importance of redeployment in long-term employment cases
Transparent and predictable employment conditions act: what is the state of play on the ban on secondary activities?
Prejudicial questions in a tenancy case: Is the clause that the tenant owes all legal costs unfair?
Enlisting ChatGPT for your deal: a smart move or a risk?
Culpable loss of income and determining (child) support, what about it?
Does the abolition of shiftwork amount to age discrimination?
Request for minor to have contact with half brother or sister possible?
Non-competition clause invalidated by the employee’s promotion?
Workplace accident: employer breaches duty of care
Explanation of policy terms of insurance contract
Why choose a specialised divorce mediator who is also a lawyer?
Calculating transitional compensation: which wage components count?
Extension of the Rent Increases Capping Act?
When is an employer allowed to agree a repayment arrangement with its employee for study costs?
Compensation for higher mortgage interest when taking over property after divorce?
Management agreement assessed under Deliveroo criterion
Termination of a long-term contract
Prenuptial agreement clause and debts, what about it?
Does the occasional payment of 100% wages during illness lead to established practice?
Contractor's liability for third-party property damage
Are employers allowed to engage an external research agency?
Prenuptial agreements and inheritance tax: An illuminating Supreme Court ruling
Is it possible to undo a share transfer due to error?
Unclear penalty clause
Preventive Law: Prevention is better than cure.
Firing an employee without an improvement plan: look before you leap
Can landlord suspend the enjoyment of the rent if tenant fails to pay?
The Legitimate Portion: a safety net in case of disinheritance
You got the job! Or did you?
VvE administrator’s liability
How to deal with shareholder disputes?
Dividing assets after divorce: the important role of the reference date
Balancing the interests of a non-competition clause
Does the requirement of Article 7:2(1) BW in writing apply to the purchase of a building plot by a consumer?
Changes in labour law from 1 January 2024
The benefits of divorce mediation: lasting and solution-oriented
Is an employee entitled to salary during login and start-up time?
Infringement of property rights by the owners Association (VvE)?
The importance of clear financial arrangements for unmarried cohabitants.
Summary dismissal: the requirement of 'immediacy' in case of an urgent cause consisting of various grounds
Duty to disclose when entering into an insurance contract
Roadmap for entrepreneurs in divorce.
New legislation on the way: self-employment. When self-employed, when employed?
Temporary rentals significantly restricted!
Indexation rate of alimony 2024 exceptionally high: are there escapes?
Wage freeze unjustified: unresponsive mediator is employer's responsibility
Preliminary questions to supreme court on unfair rent increase clause
Premarital mediation: better prevention than cure
Directors’ liability after expedited liquidation due to accident at work?
Collaborative divorce: to divorce respectful and efficient
Unfair rent review clause?
Dismissal of a highly skilled migrant: employers beware!
What is involved in renouncing an estate?
Unforeseen circumstances due to corona pandemic in service agreement
Study cost clause for a (vocational) training: permitted or not?
Are you an entrepreneur with a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement containing a regular setoff clause? Take care, especially in case of divorce!
New rules on expedited liquidation as of 15 November 2023
Dissolution of a contract on grounds of breach of contract 'unless'. What about it?
Are all employees of a WNT institution bound by the WNT?
Can an executor appointed by will be dismissed?
Summarily dismissed for absence after GP visit
Dividing debts in divorce: Mutual carrying obligation and claimability
New insights regarding the interpretation of prenuptial agreements
Expiry and prescription of leave days: employer's duty of care and information
The benefits of having a specialist inheritance lawyer as a professional liquidator in an estate
The Good Landlord Act
Manager accused of inappropriate behaviour receives fair compensation after summary dismissal
What are compensation rights in unmarried cohabitants?
General terms and conditions: an absolute must for entrepreneurs!
Explanation of presumption of evidence article 7:218 DCC in case of damage to the leased property
Is an employee allowed to clean up his business mailbox just before exemption from work and termination of employment?
What to do in case of a detained employee?
Payment or receipt of alimony, how does it work for entrepreneurs or directors and major shareholders?
Continuation of lease by cohabitant after death of tenant
Inheritance mediation: seeking harmony and lasting solutions in conflicts over estates.
Employee is bound by a non-compete clause for the Netherlands but starts working for a competitor in Belgium: is this allowed?
Bill on double surname
The shareholders' agreement: for better or worse
Fixed Leases Bill: end of temporary leases
Entrepreneur and divorce: should goodwill built up in the business be divided and, if so, how to value it?
Requirements for the improvement plan in case of unsatisfactory performance
Heirs’ right to information in an estate
New Implementation Rules on dismissal for business economic reasons: the main changes
Non-conformity: duty of disclosure and duty to investigate
Update on directors’ liability in case of bankruptcy
New rules for cross-border workers as of 1 July 2023!
Nuisance caused by tenant
Labour market reform: what will change?
New ROZ model retail space
Employer wants to withdraw offer to extend employment contract
New rules deposit for rental properties
No ban on secondary activities
Corporate law update: Temporary law on transparent expedited liquidation approved
Order to sell home in summary proceedings?
Summary dismissal after 'joke' upheld
Default of an estate agent in mediation assignment
Buitengerechtelijke vernietiging arbeidsovereenkomst omdat werknemer verschenen is in uitzending Undercover: houdt dit stand bij de rechter?
Invoice with specification of care provided: breach of GDPR and confidentiality?
Inflation and rent indexation
(In)valid study costs clause: 'compulsory' training or not?
Copy passport: the tension between anti-money laundering rules and privacy
Concealment of assets in divorce case
Is private refuelling with business fuel card grounds for summary dismissal?
Good intentions? Take a look at your shareholder agreement!
Employee requests dissolution of dormant employment contract with award of transitional compensation and fair compensation
Joint custody through recognition as of 1 January 2023
Immediate dismissal of driving instructor over WhatsApp contact with pupils
New calculation of partner alimony from 1 January 2023: the housing budget
Gambling-addicted employee steals tons from employer
Employee requests dissolution of employment contract but this is rejected and she therefore does not receive any transitional compensation/fair compensation because the employer has not acted seriously culpable
CFO dismissed over trip to Formula 1 on private plane
Destruction of general terms and conditions and the familiarity exception
Employee requests dissolution of employment contract and receives transitional allowance and fair compensation for serious misconduct by employer
Maintenance indexation 2023
Dismissal of manager because of sexual relationship with colleague's wife
Annulment of a settlement agreement on grounds of duress/deception and a claim based on unlawful competition
Probationary dismissal is not permitted
Dismissal of foundation director by the court
Platform work anno 2022: what is it and what are the latest developments?
Informal legal input for minors
Employers, pay attention to written notice of employment contract!
Corporate law update: draft bill on partnerships
Instant dismissal for handing over phone to detainee
Eviction for three months of rent arrears?
Even dismissal of statutory director is subject to rules!
Dissolution of employment contract due to private relationship teacher-student?
The relationship between parental wealth and child support amount, what about it?
Transgressive behaviour and mandatory cuddling with director
Copyright on educational material: for the teacher or for the employer?
When is there a tacit continuation of a fixed-term employment contract?
Employee secretly records conversations with employer
Managing director liable for actions just before dissolution of BV?
How does an 'ongoing' mediation relate to legal proceedings?
Disruption of working relationship due to incorrect information provided by the employee about his criminal conviction
Employers beware: empowerment policy not a substitute for dossier compilation
Managing director personally liable after liquidation of BV
Immediate dismissal: accusation of sexual harassment and vandalism
Moving house and custody
Car mechanic causes serious damage to BMW and is dismissed with immediate effect
Deadline for registration of UBOs postponed again
Non-competition clause in fixed-term contract, is that allowed?
Employers beware: are you ready for the Transparent and Predictable Employment Conditions Act?
Should overtime be paid or not?
Limitation period during warranty period
Is Hema liable as employer for a regular household accident?
Internship agreement or employment contract after all?
Substitute permission
Update June 2022: working from home for cross-border workers
Dormant employment contracts, how does that work again?
Mining of crypto currency goes wrong: directors liable?
Modernisation of consumer law
Set-off of "corona minus hours" with holiday allowance allowed?
No Intermediate Termination Clause in Employment Contract, Yet Unemployment Insurance Benefit?
Validity of electronic signature
Dismissal for conscientious objection
Defects to the rented property
Work accident: when is the employer liable?
Non-competition clause in case the employee possesses sensitive and detailed business information
Personal liability of a BV director for insurance problems
Private use of NS Business Card: grounds for termination of employment contract on e-ground?
IKEA employee summarily dismissed for collecting double meal voucher
Can a BV be set up digitally?
Requirements written warning employee
Breach of duty of care by contractor
Study cost clauses no longer permissible in all cases
Explanation of geographical scope of non-competition clause in case of relocation of employer
Duty to complain for perishable goods
Ancillary activities clause will soon be prohibited in Dutch employment contracts
Is employer liable for psychological injury to employee?
Grace period in the sales contract
Has the obligation to give notice been met or not?
Immediate dismissal for sexually harmful behaviour of a driving instructor
Income reduction due to corona and alimony obligations
Non-compete clause and successive employership
Unilateral changes to employment conditions, including a reduction in salary - is that allowed?
Personal guarantee for a BV
Transgressive behaviour in the workplace
Immediate dismissal after discussion about leave taken
Interim tenancy
Help, my employee is essential for my business, what to do?
Determining the maintenance obligation of an IB entrepreneur
Dismissal letter incomplete, instant dismissal not legally valid
The portrait right of an employee
Liability of NVM Estate Agent
Ancillary activities during illness
Non-competition clause: unfair prejudice to employee
Termination of employment during pregnancy and maternity leave
Mediation and confidentiality, what about that again?
Dismissal of employment contract because employee did not cooperate during illness
Rent reduction through corona measures
Corona case law: a short anthology from 2021
Fake signature under business lease
Immediate dismissal for acting contrary to house rules
Child asks judge for permission to have corona vaccination
Employee resigns with immediate effect. Justified or not?
Privacy and the UBO Register
Evaluation, coaching and mediation of supervisors
Prohibition of notice precludes termination of employment contract
Indexation of alimony 2022
Dismissal of school board member on h-ground
Company takeover: ten tips
Deliberately disturbed employment relationship?
Fixed contract or not?
Complaint fulfilled in time?
Corona crisis as economic reason for dismissal
Paid Parental Leave Act
Lease car: unconditional employment condition or not?
Director dismissed for fraudulent conduct of a subordinate
May the employment contract of an employee who refuses to wear a mouth mask during her work be terminated?
Calculation of transitional allowance at the end of a dormant employment contract
As of 2022: residential addresses of (many) entrepreneurs and directors no longer visible in Trade Register
Uber taxi driver: employment contract or not?
Key money
Captain cannot simply be thrown overboard by employer
Agreements on cross-border workers with Belgium and Germany extended until 31 December 2021
Trouble in the kitchen: what is the evidential value of documents?
Wage claim of waiter who temporarily had to perform delivery work in connection with corona, granted or not?
Dividing goodwill in a sole proprietorship during a divorce?
The re-employment requirement in the event of dismissal for business economic reasons
Levying a prejudgment attachment: the basics
Dissolution of employment contract of employee because of remarks about the vaccination policy of the employer
Payment of a forged invoice
Company takeover? Don’t forget to make agreements on the trade name
Unsatisfactory performance: improvement plan important, but does not have to last forever
"Exclusion of liability" on entrance sign, valid or not?
Company takeover? Don’t forget to consider the employee pensions!
Refusal of corona vaccination not a reason for instant dismissal
Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA) recommends better protection of the privacy of self-employed workers
Administrative employee immediately dismissed for fraud
IP update: amendment to Copyright Act
Eviction protection in the rent of business premises
Emotional Impact of Corona (Measures) Counts When Assessing the Validity of Termination of Employment Contract by an Employee
Buying or selling a (sport) horse: hidden defects, what about them?
Company doctor in a time of corona: extra honesty required of employee during telephone consultation
Liability purchase agent
Important role company doctor in prevention
Living expenses in case of child support
The non-competition clause, in the past, present and future
The UBO register
Working from home without permission
Corona and employment law cases: what is allowed and what is not allowed
Attachment of vehicles simplified
Invalid dismissal during probationary period leads to termination payment of € 64,000
Mandatory vaccination for employees: is that allowed?
Company takeover without explicit non-competition clause: competitive activities are still considered inadmissible
Trial not suitable for summary proceedings
Entitlement to salary in case of illness due to drug addiction
May the employer be informed whether an employee has been vaccinated against corona?
Temporary rent reduction act
Control of homeworkers only under strict conditions
Is an employer allowed to have an employee tested (preventively) for corona
Preliminary questions to the Supreme Court on rent reduction during the corona crisis
Getting back to work as a self-employed worker for the same company after instant dismissal
Enforce attachment on shares
Stock exchange company must pay female stock exchange trader a fair compensation of €350,000
Beware of expiry periods for transition pay and equitable remuneration
Contractor liable for spreading asbestos?
An employee is dismissed with immediate effect because he travelled to Poland after being forbidden to do so by his employer due to coronas measures and quarantine
Free choice of lawyer expanded further legal aid insurance
No right to salary after leaving for addiction clinic in Thailand
The company doctor does not consider the employee sick, but the UWV insurance doctor does
Digital incorporation of a BV will be possible as of 1 August 2021
Maximising rent increases for non-regulated rental housing
Workers under NOW scheme do not have to work overtime for free
Obligation or not to participate in an industry-wide pension fund in cross-border employment
Directors’ and officers’ liability: walking on eggshells
When to choose mediation
Calculation of the transition payment for 'standardized' public servants
Withdrawal of function-related leasing arrangement due to less business kilometres
Hidden defects
New legislation in the making: the private limited company with social purpose (BVm)
Employment history does not always count when calculating transition payment
Employee with a dormant employment contract is not entitled to the transitional allowance
Limitation of spousal support due to abuse of process
Deliveroo workers have an employment contract
Management and Supervision Act (part 2): new rules for foundations and associations on conflict of interest
Personal liability of directors for phantom invoices!
Equitable compensation of € 200,000 gross for Aldi employee dismissed after long-term incapacity for work
Management and Supervision Act (part 1): liability of directors of foundations and associations
The consequences of Brexit for "free movement of workers"
What costs are covered by child support?
Driving a lease car for ten years: an employee's acquired right
Creditor liability in case of a wrongful bankruptcy petition?
Wage freeze due to employee refusal to come to work, is that allowed?
Bill to create joint custody by operation of law through recognition
Extension of agreements on homeworking / stay-at-home cross-border workers
Wat heeft 2021 voor werkgevers en werknemers in petto?
Wetsvoorstel opkoopbescherming en verruiming mogelijkheden tijdelijke huurcontracten in consultatie!
Weigering passende arbeid te verrichten? Aanspraak van werknemer op loondoorbetaling vervalt in zijn geheel
Arbeidsovereenkomst of niet? Partijbedoeling speelt geen rol bij kwalificatie
Inwerkingtreding WHOA per 1 januari 2021!
Posting of foreign workers: equal pay and what are the rules?
Posting of foreign workers: equal pay and what are the rules?
(On)gewenste omgangsvormen op de werkvloer, hoe daarmee om te gaan?
Is wachttijd na het werk ook (betaalde) werktijd?
Uitkoop van minderheidsaandeelhouder
Is ontbinding van een arbeidsovereenkomst makkelijker geworden sinds de invoering van de WAB?
Indexering alimentatie 2021 bekend!
Aanzegplicht bij tijdelijke arbeidsovereenkomst, hoe zat het ook alweer?
Q&A coronavirus voor werkgevers en werknemers
Nieuwe OR-verkiezingen moeten ondanks corona doorgaan
Werknemer haalt gratis koffie voor zichzelf en collega’s; een dringende reden voor ontslag op staande voet?
10 tips voor het thuiswerkprotocol
Wijzigingen in het beslag- en executierecht
Verlies aanspraak WW-uitkering bij RVU drempelvrijstelling?
Ruimere mogelijkheden om kosten in mindering te brengen op de transitievergoeding
Verjaring en stuiting
Coronajurisprudentie: ontslag op staande voet wegens overtreding coronaregels houdt geen stand, wel ontbinding arbeidsovereenkomst
Uitzendbureau factureert 100% van het loon van uitzendkrachten aan inlener, terwijl het uitzendbureau gebruikmaakt van de NOW-regeling. Mag dat?
Verdubbeling salaris bij concurrent? Concurrentiebeding blijft gewoon in stand
Thuisblijven van werknemer door coronamaatregelen, een dringende reden voor ontslag op staande voet of loonstop?
Consumentenbond vangt bot in procedure rondom woekerpolissen Nationale Nederlanden
Permanente bewoning recreatiewoning in strijd met het huurcontract?
Verruiming vrije advocaatkeuze
Werkgevers opgepast, een billijke vergoeding en een netto advocaatkostenvergoeding kunnen zomaar op de loer liggen bij ontbinding van een arbeidsovereenkomst!
De Wet Franchise komt eraan!
Uitwerking pensioenakkoord: de belangrijkste punten voor u uiteengezet!
Selectieve betalingen doen aan crediteuren ten gevolge van de corona crisis: mag dat?
Primeur: kantonrechter ontbindt arbeidsovereenkomst op basis van de i-grond (combinatie van ontslaggronden)
Thuisquarantaine: wél of géén recht op loon?
Huur bedrijfsruimte en Corona: de eerste uitspraken!
De arbeidsovereenkomst en het schriftelijkheidsvereiste
Wél of niet een minimumtarief voor zzp’ers en hoe staat het ervoor met de zelfstandigenverklaring?
Regels voor geldige besluitvorming binnen een coöperatie