18 Dec 2017 Perhaps you are unaware of certain aspects of cross-border workers’ salary entitlements... but as company/employer you really do need to know this!

We wrote earlier on our website that you need to be vigilant regarding cross-border workers’ social security situation as different social security systems apply to many cross-border workers than the employer and employee might expect. And that can have considerable unforeseen consequences.

For the employer, for instance, it can mean that it needs to register abroad and comply with all kinds of foreign obligations. This can result in huge amounts of red tape and can also end up being more expensive.

And what happens when a cross-border worker is absent? Here too, completely different regulations can apply than the employer and employee might expect. For example, when a cross-border worker is absent and a foreign social security system applies to this cross-border worker, in principle the employer does not need to pay sick pay for two years, but may only have to pay wages for a few weeks! Entitlement to sick pay sometimes varies enormously in the different international social security systems, certainly in our Euregio, and that results in considerable financial differences for an employer.

Moreover, for cross-border workers who are absent, in principle the regulations regarding reintegration differ.

That is why we advise that you take great care in identifying the financial consequences and your legal rights and obligations, preferably in advance.

Daher empfehlen wir Ihnen, sich am besten schon vorher einen umfassenden Überblick über die finanziellen Folgen sowie Ihre gesetzlichen Rechte und Pflichten zu verschaffen.

SPEE advocaten & mediation Maastricht